Last Saturday night at the Bay of the Holy Spirit Revival when Evangelist Nathan Morris had a father testified about how his little boy being healed of cancer. That the doctors report verified that Jesus did a creative miracle. Jesus had removed the tumor,the cancer,the scar tissue in that little boys head along with sealing up the hole in his heart. It was then I was reminded of a miracle that happened many years ago in a tent,in Pinehurst Idaho. People in the tri city area had lost their jobs,homes and cars it was a mining community and they were hurting and desperate. This is the exact atmosphere that Jesus shows up in when we quit depending on our bank accounts,or on are own talents,our own abilities and look to the Redeemer of our soul.
One night while I was preaching I saw the greatest miracle I had ever seen in my life. There were 2 mothers who had been coming to the services for weeks bringing their mentally retarded children. How they happened to be there is weeks earlier they were together in their doctor’s waiting room discussing the miracles that were happening in a tent crusade in their community. Both mothers,were very desperate because they knew there was no cure for mental retardation, only a miracle from God could make there children normal.
I remember the first night I saw them enter the tent revival they put the little girl and boy on a baby blanket up front towards the platform. You see neither had walked or talked from birth they were 2 and 3 years old. The little 3 year old boy also had a desease where he could not eat anything hot or cold it had to be at room temperature. That night the tent was filled with pastors, nuns, and priest form 3 cities and there was no room for the mothers to sit with their children. After laying them down at the front they went toward the back of the tent to sit. I had only been ministering for about 5 minutes when suddenly I saw these 2 mothers stand up and start to laugh and began moving down the isle when suddenly they were frozen and began to cry. I was frightened because I had never seen anything like that before. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and said it is me do not be afraid,an instructed me to tell them likewise to fear not this is the Lord’s doing.
They proceeded toward the front laughing walking,then crying and were frozen,this stop and go action only ended as they stood before me I told them what the Holy Spirit said. Instantly they were thrown to their knees frozen unable to move even their arms. Suddenly the little 2 year old girl got up for the first time in her life and walked. The mother still frozen could not even reach out to her as the little toddler walked into her mothers arms total made whole. At that moment the mothers arms were released by the Holy Spirit and she could hug her baby girl. Then the Holy Spirit told me what it was all about and to share with the people what Jesus had just done. He wanted them to know when they were weeping and frozen that He had made their bodies living prayers of intercession just as their children could not walk or talk, neither could they. When they were laughing and walking that was the Lord flowing with miracle power through their bodies. Later in the same week the boy received his miracle at home and could walk,talk and eat anything he wanted. The unsaved mother gave her life to Christ. Both mothers gave a glorious report, of the Lord doing the impossible making their two children completely whole. The Lord told me that there would be a great move of God in the future and that creative miracles would be displayed in mass.
The Bay of the Holy Spirit revival is the beginning of that move. He wants you to come with all of you cares,your problems and your sins and He will show you great mercy and grace. That He has saved the best for last. Nothing,but nothing and again I say nothing but nothing is impossible for Me,for I am The Lord God Mighty in Battle. Come,taste and see that I am good.Leave the land of heartache and come to My Healing Waters. I am waiting can you hear My cry!
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Thanking God After a Miracle
When God does something really wonderful in our lives, we usually forget to go back to him and say thank you. We get so excited about what has been done to us and forget the person who made it happen for us. This will actually close the door for God coming through for you in another day and time when you need him. Even us mortal men, need to be appreciated when we do something good for someone. It makes us feel good and motivates us to do much more in the future. When people do not appreciate your effort, you usually wonder what you did wrong and you actually don’t want to reach out to people in the future.
When Jesus healed the ten lepers, only one of them came back to say thank you. The other nine just disappeared without another thought of the man who made it happen for them. Jesus asked him, were there not ten lepers who were healed? Where are the nine? As the man glorified God and showed gratitude to him, Jesus was moved the more. He told him to arise and go his way for his faith had made him whole. This man did not just get healed from leprosy but he was made whole from all the things that were not right in his life. He received two miracles as a result of his attitude of thanks giving. Luke 17:11-19.
As God gets you out of financial lack, health problems and other things that you might be fighting, do not forget to come back to him with a worship song in your heart. Say thank you for his goodness and mercies to you. When you are grateful for what God has done for you, he is even quicker to rescue you in the future.
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When Jesus healed the ten lepers, only one of them came back to say thank you. The other nine just disappeared without another thought of the man who made it happen for them. Jesus asked him, were there not ten lepers who were healed? Where are the nine? As the man glorified God and showed gratitude to him, Jesus was moved the more. He told him to arise and go his way for his faith had made him whole. This man did not just get healed from leprosy but he was made whole from all the things that were not right in his life. He received two miracles as a result of his attitude of thanks giving. Luke 17:11-19.
As God gets you out of financial lack, health problems and other things that you might be fighting, do not forget to come back to him with a worship song in your heart. Say thank you for his goodness and mercies to you. When you are grateful for what God has done for you, he is even quicker to rescue you in the future.
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Walking Through the Storm Towards Your Miracle
What is a miracle? If you stop and think about it, miracles are usually manifest in the midst of dire circumstances. In fact, you would not ask God for a miracle unless you or a loved one is facing a life and death situation, isn’t that right? A miracle is perceived to be instantaneous. In the Gospels we see Jesus pronouncing a person to be made whole, and “poof” an instant miracle. If Jesus did it then, and you believe that He has been and is doing it for millions of others today, then you might be thinking: “why not me?”
Let’s have a look at some Biblical miracles. The first one that comes to mind is how Moses, with his rod, performed the ten plagues. Yes, they were miracles. But with each one the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart more! Although the plagues were miraculous in nature, they were meant for a sign for Pharaoh and the Egyptians that the God of Israel was more powerful than their magicians. The real miracles were that while every person and beast in Egypt succumbed to the plagues, the Israelites in Goshen were completely spared each time!
God had His purpose for the Israelites. Why did there need to be ten plagues and why did Pharaoh have to be so hard-hearted? I can only surmise that it took the Israelites that long to get their faith level up high enough to believe that their God was about the deliver them. They had heard about how He had brought their forefathers to Egypt 400 years earlier. However, now they were in abject slavery and their faith must have been at an all-time low. (Exodus, chapters 7-12) By the time Pharaoh finally relented, they had marvelled at the sovereign Hand of God ten times. Now they were prepared for anything! They even were bold enough to ask for, and received, all the gold and riches from the Egyptians!
Did they suddenly get transported out of their misery and into the Promised Land? More often than not miracles are the culmination of a long process. In the case of the Israelites, they had to walk a long way and were followed by the army until there was no way out! With the army on one side and the Red Sea on the other, their orders were to keep walking! As they walked into the sea, Moses held up his rod, and the waters parted! (Ex. 14)
Are you waiting for a miracle that does not seem to come? Could it be that, although you think you have faith, you’re not really walking in faith? Are you sitting back and waiting for God to miraculously manifest Himself in your life? He could. However, no matter how bad the conditions surrounding you, He wants you to start walking! Walk in faith, expecting doors to open up before you, one at a time.
You won’t know how close you are to a major miraculous intervention in your life if you miss the hand of God in the little breakthroughs. Take every step in faith and thank Him for all the joys and benefits along the way. Then you’ll be well on the way to receiving your miracle. How do I know? I’m speaking from experience. He carried me, and helped me “mount up with wings as eagles (Isa. 40:31) through desperate situations. The more I learned to lean on Him with every trembling step, the greater my faith exploded inside me until suddenly trauma turned to triumph!
Yes, miracles really do happen. Expect them! Your purpose is to walk in faith with a heart full of joy and thanksgiving for all His wondrous works in your life. Miracles will be pursuing you! “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him; and honour him.” (Ps. 91:15)
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Let’s have a look at some Biblical miracles. The first one that comes to mind is how Moses, with his rod, performed the ten plagues. Yes, they were miracles. But with each one the Lord hardened Pharaoh’s heart more! Although the plagues were miraculous in nature, they were meant for a sign for Pharaoh and the Egyptians that the God of Israel was more powerful than their magicians. The real miracles were that while every person and beast in Egypt succumbed to the plagues, the Israelites in Goshen were completely spared each time!
God had His purpose for the Israelites. Why did there need to be ten plagues and why did Pharaoh have to be so hard-hearted? I can only surmise that it took the Israelites that long to get their faith level up high enough to believe that their God was about the deliver them. They had heard about how He had brought their forefathers to Egypt 400 years earlier. However, now they were in abject slavery and their faith must have been at an all-time low. (Exodus, chapters 7-12) By the time Pharaoh finally relented, they had marvelled at the sovereign Hand of God ten times. Now they were prepared for anything! They even were bold enough to ask for, and received, all the gold and riches from the Egyptians!
Did they suddenly get transported out of their misery and into the Promised Land? More often than not miracles are the culmination of a long process. In the case of the Israelites, they had to walk a long way and were followed by the army until there was no way out! With the army on one side and the Red Sea on the other, their orders were to keep walking! As they walked into the sea, Moses held up his rod, and the waters parted! (Ex. 14)
Are you waiting for a miracle that does not seem to come? Could it be that, although you think you have faith, you’re not really walking in faith? Are you sitting back and waiting for God to miraculously manifest Himself in your life? He could. However, no matter how bad the conditions surrounding you, He wants you to start walking! Walk in faith, expecting doors to open up before you, one at a time.
You won’t know how close you are to a major miraculous intervention in your life if you miss the hand of God in the little breakthroughs. Take every step in faith and thank Him for all the joys and benefits along the way. Then you’ll be well on the way to receiving your miracle. How do I know? I’m speaking from experience. He carried me, and helped me “mount up with wings as eagles (Isa. 40:31) through desperate situations. The more I learned to lean on Him with every trembling step, the greater my faith exploded inside me until suddenly trauma turned to triumph!
Yes, miracles really do happen. Expect them! Your purpose is to walk in faith with a heart full of joy and thanksgiving for all His wondrous works in your life. Miracles will be pursuing you! “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him; and honour him.” (Ps. 91:15)
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